at long last

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at long last

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:41:36

英 [æt lɔŋ lɑ:st]

美 [æt lɔŋ læst]

at long last基本解释

终于; 总算; 经过很多苦恼或麻烦之后; 算


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释

at long last的翻译


1. as the end result of a succession or process

e.g. ultimately he had to give in
at long last the winter was over

Synonym: ultimatelyfinallyin the endat last

1. 泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底:一切都... 结束...了? Is it... over? | 泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底, At long last, | 没有哪个国王可以千秋万载,儿子. No king rules forever, my son.

2. 终于:Every living thing is waiting.|所有的生命都在等待 | At long last,|终于 | the sun makes its first appearance over the horizon.|太阳在地平线上露出了它的第一缕阳光

3. 最后;终于:21.At best 至多/最高(多)可能/充其量 | 22.At long last 最後/終於 | 50.In addition 另外

4. 好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁:240. make great strides大有进步, 进展迅速, 大跃进 | 241. at long last好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁 | 242. sweep away v. 一扫而空

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
At long last, I felt myself a winner.(最后,我终于感到自己是个赢家。)
At long last the cheque arrived.(支票终于到了。)
It declared Japan's output gap, between what the economy can produce and what it is actually producing, at long last to be closed.(在报告的结束部分,指出根据日本当前经济状况,能够容纳的产品和目前实际生产之间还存在着缺口。)
At long last, users can buy an iPhone 3g via the online Apple Store and have it delivered straight to their doors.(终于,用户可以通过Apple在线零售店购买iPhone3g并享受直接送货上门的服务。)
Rebecca Dew is coming at long last, of which I'm glad . . . and I'm afraid Aunt Mary Maria is, too.(丽贝卡·露早就想去......这个当然欢迎......但我担心玛丽·玛利亚姨妈也要去。)
The day we have been looking forward to has come at long last.(这个日子好不容易盼到了。)
Seizing the reins, at long last(终于抓住了这根缰绳!)
At long last his prayers had been answered.(他的祷告终于应验了。)
At long last countries have begun to accept the results of toxicology tests conducted elsewhere, so these need not be repeated in multiple jurisdictions.(在那些长期有此情况的国家也开始接受这种毒理学实验结果,这样就不必再在司法解释中重复出现。)
At long last, you can now write PHP code to call the Sphinx search engine.(最后,您可以编写PHP代码来调用Sphinx搜索引擎。)
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